Travel Info

Your are here to visit South Korea and you don’t know how to get to your accommodation? Then let me help get thought this. Or at least tell you how to get in the centre of Seoul so it can be easier to find your way!

Here are the options that you can use to get to your place:


Subway, which is the cheapest. You will have to pay less than 10 000 won for the ride and then in Seoul it will cost less than 2 000 won. The subway is the most common way of transportation in Seoul, almost everyone who does not have a car takes it. It is convenient, cheap and is always on time. However taking the Subway in Seoul is very tricky and confusing when its your first time. That is why it is important for you to look at the itinerary beforehand and be really sure about what direction you need to take. The transfer is usually the confusing part, when you have to get off the first subway and then take another one. You have to take your time and read the signs carefully or you will end up far away from your destination. Plus the reading signs is hard, if you do not read hangul even with the English translation under, you will have some trouble.


Bus, is also one of the cheapest (less than 20 000 won, depending on where you go. But once in Seoul using the bus is very cheap.). However the ride will last around 1 hour and the bus goes every 3 hours. It is not used as much as the subway, but it is still a good option for you. If you don’t want to stay an 1h30 in the subway with too many people then you can take the bus. What is nice about the bus is that it is well developed and goes anywhere in Seoul so that it is easy for you to go to any places.


For the subway and the bus you must have T-money car to get in, you can buy one at the airport!


Taxi, it might be the fastest way to get to your accommodation, but you have to put the price. Depending on where you go in Seoul, it can cost from 45 000 won to 150 000 won. If you want to have you personal space, or just don’t like being around many people while traveling then the taxi is perfect for you. It is easy and fast, you just have to give the address (preferably in Korean if you have it). Though, if you have the UBER app then you can just call for a taxi. However you must have internet, if your SIM card does not work abroad you can buy one in the Airport although it will be a little bit expensive.


Here is an example of a detailed itinerary from the ICN Airport to a hotel located in the centre of Seoul.

How to get to the Hotel from the Airport


Thank you for reading and good luck finding your way in Seoul’s transportation system!







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