Useful App to find a route in Korea

When you plan to travel in Korea, but you don’t know how to find a route ?
Here is the best way to help you enjoy Korea tour in easy way!
Download the following 3 apps right away

1. Naver Map
The most useful app for finding roads is Naver Map. You can search “Naver Map” and download it on the google app store.
It provides Korean, English, Chinese, and Japanese. When you download this app, it automatically recognizes your language and adjusts the proper language for you, and also you can settle language by yourself in the setting section. When you open the app,
you can know where you are with the blue dot and there is a search box on the top of the screen.

You can find a destination by typing your address or name on the search box. After that, you can settle it by clicking from or to as a point of departure or destination. Also, you can get some basic information about that place such as open time or phone number. After you settle the point of departure and destination, you can find the best route to arrive there, and it will be classified into four ways including public transportation, car, walking, and bicycle.

When you click the bus emoji which refers to public transportation, it will let you know how and where to transfer and how many minutes, and how much cost it will take to arrive at your destination. If you rent your car, you can get the navigation by simply clicking the car emoji and go button. Also, it will let you know how long it will take according to the traffic condition. To talk about the walking section, it may help you to find a small alley when you almost arrive at your destination. By clicking the destination button, you can also know about your direction. Like the car navigation, you can get the best bicycle route if you click the bicycle emoji. To sum up, this is the app that may help you to find your destination no matter what transportation you will take. Therefore, keep in mind to download this app after arriving in Korea.

2. Kakao Taxi
Unlike other countries uber is not prevalent in Korea. Normally, most people use Kakao T to take a taxi. You can book not only a taxi but also other transportation tickets such as flight and bus tickets. You can easily find this app in the google app store in English. Currently, it serves three languages including Korean, English, and Japanese. When you click the app, it simply recognizes your location based on GPS technology. After finding your location, you need to settle your destination. Unfortunately, it is hard to settle a destination in English except for the subway stations and some famous places. Therefore, it is better to find your destination in Korean first and paste it into the search box. After finishing it,

you have 4 options that you can choose including Blue, Smart Request, General Request, and Book Venti. As each option has a different price and characteristics, you have to carefully read the description of them and choose one among them. Normally, people choose general requests as you can directly pay the driver, unlike other options. As it might be complicated to add a card for foreign travelers, I recommend you choose a general request and pay the driver. After choosing the payment option, and clicking apply button, you may be matched with a driver and he or she may call you when they almost arrive at your location. After checking the car number of the taxi you booked, you can take it to go to your destination.

3. Kakao Metro-Subway Navigation
Metro is public transportation that foreign travelers most likely use during their journey in Korea.
There are more than 10 lines in Korea, and you can easily transfer to other lines at some stations. With this app, you can easily find the best route to arrive at your destination. When you open the app, you may find a search box and you can input your destination name. You can settle your destination by clicking the “도착” button and “출발” for departure point. After settling them, you can check how many minutes it will take and you may have two choices either “shortest time” or “minimum transit” Furthermore, you can check how many stations to go to and the specific time when the metro will arrive. Therefore, it will be better to check the metro arrival time and make your plan ahead during your journey.

Written By Hyeon, Kwon