(Video) Mt. Geumosan hiking in Korea


(17 customer reviews)
  • Mt. Geumosan hiking in Korea(link)
  • The easy way to travel at home!
  • Mt. Geumosan is the first provincial park in Korea. There are many attractions and national treasure in the mountain

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Virtual Tour Video
How to get There

[Address]  288-2 Namtongdong, Gumi city, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea /
경상북도 구미시 남통동 288-2

[Bus] Take bus or ITX from Dongdaegu staion.[/vc_column_text]

17 reviews for (Video) Mt. Geumosan hiking in Korea

  1. Step

    Must be fun to hike in Autumn, when the wether is less hot.

  2. Pierre

    I was out of breath just watching them ride!

  3. Hélène

    What a beautiful view, it made me want to go there!

  4. Clara

    The temple was really pretty! Wanna see it!

  5. Abe

    Thank you Etour, you made me want to travel! I count on you to offer me the most beautiful trip!

  6. Dan

    Very well made video tour!

  7. Kim


  8. Pete

    really makes you dream of leaving…

  9. Yael

    Hiking in Korea is a true dream, looks so great

  10. Pascal

    I think this is every hiker’s dream.

  11. momo

    this looks super appealing I might make it my next holiday….

  12. Bre

    Breathtaking view from above, I need to go hike it!

  13. Daniela

    It must be even more impressive in real life wow

  14. Anais

    Charming video

  15. Oscar

    What a grand mountain!

  16. Linda

    Great video, I need to go

  17. Justin


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